

He Used Metaphor In His Speeches During The Course of Liberating Gold Coast From Colonialism: 1909-1972 Saturday 21st September, 1909 #FixYourCharacter #Kwame Nkrumah #NkrumahMemorialDay

Russian Armed Armored Terminator Tanks Have Been Exposed In Combat For The First Time As Vladimir Putin's New Offensive Pushes Into Ukraine.

The Vehicles Were Pictured Supporting A Group Of Main Battle Tanks As The Russians Push Towards Bakhmut In The Donbas Region. Despite Mounting A Disastrous Campaign Which Saw The  Russians  Attempt To Storm Towards  Kyiv  And Then Gets Thrown Back East By A Valiant Resistance, Putin's Men Are Now Making Slow Progress. And While Ukraine Claims It Has  Killed 30,000 Soldiers  And Destroyed More Than 1,000 Tanks, The Massive Size Of Moscow's Military Is Allowing Them To Begin To Push Back. It Was Confirmed Earlier This Month That Russia Had Deployed Its Only Unit Of The  Terminator Tanks  To The Frontline For The First Time - With Around Ten Of Them In-Service. Pictures Show The Distinctive Vehicles Moving Through A Field As Smoke Billows Around Them From A Mixture Of Tank Shells And Ukrainian Artillery Fire Raining Down. Terminator Tanks Are Supposed To Be One Of Russia's Most Advanced Weapons Systems As Putin Attempts To Portray His Armed Forces As Some Of The Strongest In T

China Is Buying Oil From Russia Despite All United Nations Sanctions

It's The Latest Drift Away From The Dollar As Saudi Arabia And China Mull A Yuan-Based Oil Deal, While Russia And India Eye A Ruble-Rupee Pact. Russian Oil And Coal Purchased In Yuan Will Arrive In China Soon, Bloomberg Reported. China And Russia Are Attempting To Maintain Energy Trade Even While Other Nations Cut Off Russian Imports. In May, The First Cargoes Of Russian Oil Purchased In Yuan Will Arrive At Refiners In China. China Is Buying Russian Oil And Coal With Its Local Currency As Western Sanctions On Moscow Spur Trade Deals That Don't Rely On The US Dollar. In March, Several Chinese Firms Used Yuan To Purchase Russian Coal, Which Will Begin Arriving This Month And Mark The First Commodity Shipments Purchased In China's Currency Since The War In Ukraine Began, Bloomberg Reported. Meanwhile, The First Shipments Of Russian Oil Purchased In Yuan Will Arrive At Independent Chinese Refiners In May, Sources Told Bloomberg. Such Deals Are Typically Priced In Dollars. But


The Malian Military Leader Assimi Goita  Seized Power From President Ibrahim Bourbacar Keita and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse, The Elected Leaders, He Visited President Jerry John Rawlings in Ghana For Advice. He Kindly Gave Him The Deserving Advice As An Ex-Coup D'état Leader In Ghana. Several Publishers Had Many Diverse Opinion About Assimi Goita Political Consultation With The Late President Rawlings of Ghana Who Succeeded Twice In Toppling Civilian Rule With His Military Interferences In 1978/9 and 1981/2. However, I deemed It So Brilliant Decision and Fortunately Excited Idea To Consult a Military Leader Who Changed His Military Rule Into Civilian Franchise Ruling In 1991/2.  

COL. ASSIMI GOITA SPOKE OUT - Mali's Military Leader

(The Military Leader of Mali Who Overthrew The Elected President) He was appointed vice president of the Transition on September 21, 2020, a position he will hold for 18 months, until new elections. He took the oath of office on September 25, 2020. Before then,  Col Goïta had already declared himself interim president on Wednesday, two days after seizing power in Mali's second coup in nine months. He also led the first coup last August, which saw the elected President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta forced out of office. The court said Friday's decision was due to the "vacancy in the presidency". On Monday, the two men tasked with steering the country back to civilian rule, interim President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, were detained by soldiers. Col Goïta said that both men had failed in their duties and were seeking to sabotage the country's transition. He said  "I am aware that am a mortal, I am not perfect. History will judge me one day, but until the

23rd New IGP Swore In Office On Friday, 8th October, 2021(Inspector General of Police)

On Friday, 8th October 2021, I swore in Dr. George Akuffo Dampare as our nation's 23rd Inspector General of Police. He has risen through the ranks of the Police Service, starting-off as a constable, and has served his nation dutifully.  Now, he has reached the pinnacle of his career, and will serve, for the next four (4) years, as Inspector General of Police. He has demonstrated that he will be an effective leader of the Police Service, and will help foster its efficiency.

Types of Husband

1. BACHELOR HUSBAND Does things on his own without consulting wife. Hangs out a lot with friends more than wife. Not serious about marriage life. 2. ACIDIC HUSBAND Is always boiling like acid and always angry violent, moody, dominating and very dangerous. 3. SLAVE HUSBAND Wants to be treated like a King but treats Wife like a Slave. Likes wife to perform old tradition respect and hates being called by their first name. 4. GENERAL HUSBAND Husband for every woman. Loves and cares for girlfriends more than his wife. Likes giving money to girlfriends and has more female friends. 5. DRY HUSBAND Very moody and stingy, doesn't consider wife's emotions, doesn't make the relationship enjoyable. Has no sense of humour. 6. PANADOL HUSBAND Uses wife as problem solver, only loves wife when needing something from her. Is clever and knows wife's weaknesses and capitalises on that to get relief from wife. 7. PARASITE HUSBAND Lazy and only loves wife for the sake of money. Uses wife'