COL. ASSIMI GOITA SPOKE OUT - Mali's Military Leader

(The Military Leader of Mali Who Overthrew The Elected President)

He was appointed vice president of the Transition on September 21, 2020, a position he will hold for 18 months, until new elections. He took the oath of office on September 25, 2020.

Before then, Col Goïta had already declared himself interim president on Wednesday, two days after seizing power in Mali's second coup in nine months.

He also led the first coup last August, which saw the elected President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta forced out of office.

The court said Friday's decision was due to the "vacancy in the presidency".

On Monday, the two men tasked with steering the country back to civilian rule, interim President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, were detained by soldiers.

Col Goïta said that both men had failed in their duties and were seeking to sabotage the country's transition.

He said "I am aware that am a mortal, I am not perfect. History will judge me one day, but until then all I ask for is your support.

I did not choose this path on my own. She imposed herself on me. God alone knows what He's doing.
I will strive to get to the end, but if I die before reaching our goal, do continue the project without me and lay the groundwork for change with my blood and my flesh.No sacrifice is so much for this country.
I am not Thomas Sankara, nor Jerry Rawlings. I am Assimi Goïta. Remember me as a reformer not a revolutionary. Remember me as the bearer of hope to the people, the one who came when your blood was shed for your desire for change.
I will go to the end of my mission. I will never betray your trust.
Death doesn't scare me, I saw it every day on the battlefield, it's failure that scares me.
If death marries me on the way to our target, do not mourn me. Don't make my grave a sanctuary. I did what I thought was right for my country. I did it for me but I did it for you too.
I am Assimi, the man who smiles every day with death."


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